War in Ukraine: P27 response

This is our response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine

P27 stands with the people of Ukraine and strongly condemns Russia’s invasion.

We applaud the concerted actions many countries, businesses and other organisations around the world have taken so far to help Ukraine and isolate Russia.

We also applaud all the individuals and local communities that are helping the people of Ukraine, collecting and sending food, medicines and vital equipment desperately needed there, including amongst them, the many Russian civilians who themselves have friends and family in Ukraine and who are opposed to this war.

For our part as a business services firm focussed on aligning entities with a more sustainable and open world, we do not do business with Russia and do not intend on doing so, certainly whilst the war in Ukraine continues.

The P27 Team


Useful links

UN Crisis Relief – Ukraine Humanitarian Fund
UNHCR – Ukraine emergency
British Red Cross – DEC Ukraine Appeal
GoFundMe – crowdfunding for Ukraine


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